Hi, I’m Aleksandra!
I‘m thrilled that you stumbled upon my page. I‘m the cook and photographer behind Everyday-Delicious.com.
I‘m from Poland, but I live in Vienna, Austria with my husband and our two kids.
I regard this website as my online recipe cookbook. Here you‘ll find all kinds of recipes, each with precise descriptions and step-by-step photos.
- I have a lot of American, Polish, and German/Austrian recipes.
- Since I have a day job and not a lot of time for cooking my recipes are mostly quick and easy meals, made with everyday ingredients.
- I love comfort food and everything cheesy!
I‘m sure you‘ll find something that you‘ll love!
If you’ve cooked one of my recipes, please don’t forget to leave a comment, a star rating, or even a photo of your creation, so that others can benefit from it. It also makes me very happy!
You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or RSS.
You can contact me through e-mail: aleksandra@everyday-delicious.com. I‘d love to hear from you!
Physical address:
Everyday Delicious
Postfach 0025
1072 Wien, Austria
Here you‘ll find many delicious recipes (and many more to come!), tested by my family and friends, our absolute favorites! All recipes are being tested a minimum of 3 times, to ensure they come out perfectly every time. My recipes are always made from scratch with real ingredients. I‘m a self-taught cook and I‘ve spent many hours extensively testing each recipe by trial and error method.
I categorized the main menu the way how I search for recipes, I hope you‘ll find that helpful. Here you‘ll find my take on many popular, classic recipes, and many brand-new dishes.
I love reading recipe origin stories, I always research before I develop and post a recipe. I hope you‘ll enjoy reading the story of how the dish was created and my twists on the recipe.
How I started cooking:
This won‘t be a usual story, how I watched my mother and grandmother cook and bake my first cake at the age of 8. In fact, I started cooking during my late university days. I was never interested in cooking and when I left home and went to university I was eating very poorly. I was extremely picky and I didn‘t like a lot of things (olives! green peas! spinach! raw onion! mushrooms!). I‘ve had three dinner dishes in rotation: breaded chicken cutlets, crepes with nutella/cream cheese, and store-bought sauces in a jar with pasta/rice or something like powdered cheese sauce with chicken (now I developed a real four cheese sauce based on this powdered sauce). With time, I got bored with this type of food and also didn’t feel very good. You‘re going to laugh, but an eye-opening experience for me was eating Chicken Korma one time, in a small, awful-looking Indian restaurant in Stockholm. It opened me up to other cuisines and not well-known flavors. Since then I’ve been trying every day to learn something new, I‘m experimenting a lot, reading a lot, and cooking all the time. I‘m basically getting ready to sleep, thinking about what I will be eating tomorrow. I know that this is not an incredible and shocking story, but this is how it started for me if you‘re curious.
Why I started a food blog:
So I was cooking obsessively over the years and gathered quite a collection of cookbooks, printed-out recipes, and notes of my own and it was just a mess. When I stayed at home on maternity leave, I thought it‘s a good opportunity to transfer my recipe collection online. I started my blog in August 2017. It gave me even more motivation to cook and test recipes in order to find the best version possible.
Food photography:
With time, I have fallen in love with food photography, which was just an unpleasant necessity at the beginning. Turns out I just didn‘t know how to make beautiful photos and it frustrated me. I‘m not saying that my photos are so good right now, but if you could see the photos, that I posted with my first recipes, you could
Do I follow any diet?
I try to eat healthy, but I don‘t like any diets. We‘re also fortunate, that we don‘t have any dietary restrictions.
What healthy eating means to me:
1. eating a lot of fruit and vegetables
2. minimum processed food (like store-bought sweets, pre-made meals, margarine, cereal, soft drinks, junk food)
3. reducing meat amount – we eat meat about 2-3 times/week, fish/seafood 1-times / week, vegetarian dishes 2-4 times/week
4. since we‘re eating meat, fish/seafood, and dairy – I try to buy organic products, that come from a good source
5. everything in moderation rule – if I‘m eating something calorie-rich for dinner (Cacio e pepe! mmm) I serve it with a crunchy salad on the side and try to not eat a lot.
6. every once in a while – I use whole-grain flour or other healthier flour like buckwheat flour (check out these buckwheat pancakes or my healthy apple muffins) but I must admit, there‘s room for improvement for me here..
7. home-made desserts are the best! (bonus: no palm oil).
8. I try to make everything from scratch (pizza dough, pesto, pastry dough, and so on).
I think it‘s good to make some better choices and try to eat better for yourself and your family, but without driving yourself crazy. It‘s all about balance!
(the following links open in a new window)





PARADE – online magazine:
Copycat restaurant recipes (opens in a new window)
Best apricot recipes (opens in a new window)